Welcome Home
You are now in Moshav Odem – the second smallest village in Israel with 150 residents and also the second highest with altitude of 1,100 meter above sea level.
"Moshav" is a Hebrew name for certain villages in Israel of mostly farmers. Here in Odem the people grow grapes for wine, berries and avocado but we are most famous for our apples and cherries which are very popular all over the country.
During your time here you will see and hear kids all day (also because we are neighbors with the kindergarten).
t’s a young village, established in 1980 in this location. After being a sleepy tiny village for many years young couples started moving in looking for a different experience away from the race.
People around here are kind and smiling and you can feel free to walk anywhere through the village. Say hi and they will greet you back. Some will invite you for tea and cake.
The hostel was open January 2015 and it took the whole year before to build it. Building it is a beautiful but old story and we prefer to focus on the new stories we make every day.